The TeachEnglishKorea / PlanetESL Recruiting Strategy
• Teach-Egnlish-Korea website is listed on Google No.1 and 46 major internet search engines worldwide and we actively advertise on many, including Google. Teachers apply directly through our website and we receive 200-300 applications per month.
• We advertise directly to hundreds of universities, colleges and TEFL/TESOL schools in America, Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa and the United Kingdom. These institutes advertise our company and positions on their websites and regularly post our positions in their career centers, print them in their monthly newsletters that go out to students and alumni, and pass them on directly to students and teachers in their classes.
• We advertise our positions and services on our own websites, and that are ranked already Google US/Canada, Google Korea and ESL Internet Job Sites around the world. Many of these job sites link directly to us and regularly email their database of teachers about our services and positions.